Line is one of the most popular apps at the moment, especially in Asia. But it’s not just for using cute characters to communicate. It’s also for prostitution.
That is, if you are a 39-year-old guy looking for underage girls.
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Restaurant worker Koji Kanmera got to know the 16-year-old high school runaway over Line. He then paid her 15,000 yen in cash and they retired to a hotel in Ome City, on the outskirts of Tokyo.
The girl advertised herself on Line as a “runaway with no money, in need of support” — which might be taken as bait enough.
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“I wanted to have fun with a young girl so I did it,” confessed Kanmera. Hey, who can blame him?
Our luscious lady this week is the very curvy Manami Hashimoto (橋本マナミ), a “real woman” that you would love to be in your home cooking your meals for you and ever-ready to grace your bed with her body.
Born in 1984, Manami is a Gravure model and occasional actress. While we can’t vouch for her thespian skills we can certainly say that her voluptuous frame is ravishing.
Haruna Yabuki, the sexy 29-year-old model and actress also know as Mari Abe, has split from her boyfriend, the actor Masaki Nishina.
As we know, Haruna Yabuki is almost impossibly hot, the sultry sexiness oozing off her curves.
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She had been dating the 31-year-old Nishina since last August but their nocturnal coupling is officially over.
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Apparently in mid-January she popped round to her boyfriend’s apartment to find him with his cock going in and out of another girl. To be precise, he was cheating on Haruna with a kyaba kura girl (a hostess).
Haruna got no answer from the intercom and assumed no one was home. Letting herself in with the spare key she found her lover asleep in the arms of another lady.
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Masaki is one lucky guy and doesn’t seem to mind that he throws away the chance to sleep with hotties again.
Gachagacha (or gachapon) can be kinky, as proved by these photos doing the rounds of Twitter and Japanese netizens. Idle hands, as they say…
Sailor Moon’s Tuxedo Mask (Tuxedo Kamen) has been caught in flagrante delicto with a series of office ladies, aka the cute Fuchiko (of Koppu no Fuchiko capsule toy fame).
Don’t let the tuxedo and hat fool you. This guy is seriously horny and can’t keep his hands off Fuchiko!
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Sometimes Fuchiko plays hard-to-get, though.
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Blimey, he even performs oral sex on poor mascot Funassyi.
You would think that a porn actor gets enough sex in his day job to keep him happy, right? Especially considering how few male porn performers there are and how busy they are — appearing in multiple titles a day for name stars!
Well, apparently some aren’t getting enough of what they want.
The Japanese porn actor Ryo Sawai (34) has been arrested by police for sex with a female junior high school student aged 15 in a Saitama City hotel.
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He got to know her in 2013 using the app LINE and apparently got to know her even more intimately in February 2014.
To his credit, Ryo Sawai has been honest about his “guilt”.
“It’s no mistake. I have no excuse for what I did.”
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While we are surprised that his lower half would feel the need to pursue underage temptations, we certainly can’t really blame Ryo for his peccadillos when Japanese schoolgirls look this good!
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Sawai is also known to mainstream audiences through his appearances on the late-night TV show “Poko x Tate: Orgasm Wars”, in which he was given a blow job by gay legend Takuya.
Are SIMS and virtual idols and USB-powered sex toys the future — or just an overrated, convoluted way of getting off? Well, the jury’s still out.
We’re going to go out on a limb and say that these types of toys will never replace the real thing. You still can’t beat the sensation of real skin on your hands.
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But here’s the rub. In many ways, the aim is not to replace — it’s to provide a whole different experience altogether.
And if occasionally a real partner can get boring and the same old positions tired, Mayu Watanabe (whose name is, of course, suspiciously similar to a certain girl from a certain idol group) will literally offer you dozens of positions to try. She even has multiple ways to suck your cock or lick your balls.
It’s not all just visual flair, though. The masturbator sleeve itself is super tight and responsive, and it is fitted with an outer button. Press it at the point when you finish and your onscreen persona will splatter his virtual idol partner with his load at the same time! Talk about a simultaneous orgasm!
How do you appeal to a man’s heart? By moe, of course!
In a bid to raise recruits for Japan’s all-but-in-name military forces, the Ibaraki prefectural branch of the mighty Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF) has turned to the power of cute to get fresh Japanese men willing to lay down their lives for their country in the face of an assault from North Korea, China or Taiwan…
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Following the Japanese Communist Party, countless regional governments, corporations and many more, the JSDF has gone kawaii with the help of a mangaka and ero doujinshika called Pochi.
There are three promotional ladies: Koume (land forces), Nobara (maritime forces), and Hibari (air force).
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Hot on the heels of Okayama Prefecture’s JSDF branch, which took an early lead in using anime girl characters for its posters and flyers, we reckon this will have Akihabara lads fleeing their maid cafes in droves, desperate to get all macho to impress these 2D ladies. It clearly works, since Ibaraki is just the latest prefecture branch to try this tactic.
This is Kagawa JSDF’s efforts.
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What is the message here? Join up and have a jolly time with these non-existent girls while either training for a coming attack or rescuing people if there’s another disaster. Talk about getting a reality check after you actually start working.
Apparently some campaigns have seen 20% increases — though this may be the heightened nationalism that Japan is experiencing rather than the soft power of moe.
The overseas media tends to report on the Japanese and sex as one of either two extremes: “No sex please, we’re Japanese” — i.e., a totally sexless and sex-starved nation — or as a culture of fetishes and weird sex, with a gigantic sex industry (which is quasi-legal) and even more gigantic porn industry (twice the size of America’s).
Of course, here at Tokyo Kinky we contribute to this discourse, especially the latter. We like to champion the two trillion yen ($19.3 billion) spent annually on the legal sex industry. We think it’s healthy and necessary to society.
But here’s something that speaks clearly enough, though it kind of falls into either of the two narratives.
Its initial targets were 100,000 members in the first month, and 1.2 million in the first year. It got 120,000 members in ten days and over 1 million by March this year. Talk about exceeding your goals.
Media reports are citing Japan as Ashley Madison’s fastest market to reach the 1 million users, hitting the number in a mere eight and a half months.
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So, this could mean that everyone is very sex-driven in Japan — or that the housewives and women of the country are so deprived of action that they have been bursting to get their hands on a service like Ashley Madison.
There’s no doubt in an intelligent Japanese woman’s mind that her husband, who probably isn’t making love to her all that often, is somehow partaking in sexual encounters somewhere out there,” said Noel Biderman, founder and CEO of Ashley Madison, told The Daily Beast. “And to her, in what is becoming a more equitable society, that seems like BS… She doesn’t want a life of celibacy—that’s not how she’s engineered either.”
While Japanese men are notorious for their very plastic attitude towards using prostitutes or having affairs, a survey of AM users globally found that 55% of Japanese women are having affairs too.
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Japan is also largely free of Christian notions of sin too, meaning that adulterous men and women are less likely to feel guilty about their affairs (no doubt because they have a reason to have one!). Apparently the survey found the only 8% of men feel guilty and a mere 2% of women just 2 percent — a quarter of the world average. 84% of Japanese women in the survey actually believed having an affair was a positive thing for their marriage in the longterm.
AM has tapped into a massively under-developed demographic. While there are more fuzoku sex clubs, hostess bars, strip clubs and call girl services for men that you could even try to count, the equivalents for women are few and far between. Meanwhile, the women are often housewives with control over the household finances. This means they have time and money to burn, which is a potent combination.
When will these old geezers learn? If you wanna get kinky, go to a professional. Don’t take the matter into your own hand. There are lots of services offering used panties, dirty or clean, from vending machines to mainstream stores.
No, this man wanted to do things his way. On March 9th Chiba police announced they had taken Hiromi Nagasaka into custody, suspected of attempting to steal underwear from the balcony of a girl’s apartment in Chiba City early at around 1:30 in the morning of March 7th.
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While filching panties he was spotted by a teenaged girl who resides in the apartment and whose panties they were that Nagasaka has his sights set on stealing. Her screams woke up her family, who detained him. A search of Nagasaka’s own home in the same neighborhood then found some 250 items of women’s underwear. He was clearly trying to aid to supplement his vast collection.
“I’ve been interested in underwear since my younger days,” confessed Nagasaka.
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Living in ground-floor apartments is seen as a risky endeavor for girls for this reason and these kinds of homes are not very popular among younger urbanites. You are often forced to turn your balcony into a kind of miniature fortress just to keep prying hands out!
A new survey by Ashley Madison, the infidelity social networking site, suggests that Japan isn’t just the world’s best exporter of electronics and automobiles… it leads the world in making selfie porn too.
While Japanese girls are often known for being shyer and more demure, don’t let that fool you. According to Ashley Madison users, 84% of women and 89% of men in Japan love to film or photograph themselves having sex.
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That’s much higher than elsewhere. The average in the Ashley Madison survey found that a mere 52% of women and 60% of men photograph themselves in the act.
The survey was global, drawing on answers from users around the world, including 3,500 Japanese members.
Are the Japanese just particularly narcissistic or is there something else at work here? Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
Why are couples — and it doesn’t seem just to be the guys in the relationship — so intent on making their own sex tapes?
Well, as you know porn is pixellated in Japan and there is a market for underground, illegal unpixellated material for its “purity” and novelty. Non-edited and uncensored porn made by yourself would then hold a special appeal for both makers and viewers since it shows everything in its raw form.
And perhaps the desire to get creative with the camera in the bedroom stems from a wish to document a rare event of having sex.
After all, the reason why Ashley Madison is booming in Japan — along with an enormous sex industry, porn business, and many other hook-up sites — is that people are more willing to have affairs than in the West and many marriages are sexless.
In the same survey of Ashley Madison users, 55% of women and 51% of men said that they were using Ashley Madison to have affairs primarily because they weren’t getting enough sex elsewhere. Lust breeds camerawork.
While we watched this DVD we knew this wasn’t the kind of Japanese porno that was for anyone. But isn’t that the beauty of the industry? It’s so huge it can offer something for almost any taste?
In “143cm Shojo Virgin First Bukkake” our intrepid protagonist finds herself in a semen-loving club who all want to feast on her body and offer a contribution of their juices onto her sweet face. They wear masks to conceal their identity and proceed to gangbang her.
Needless to say, this girl is so pure and innocent she is a paipan — i.e., she has no hair down there!
The film stars Risa Omomo, who is, fear not, older than she is made to appear in the film (she was born in 1992 and this is one of her first features).
After watching this film, though, you might yearn for some more conventional sex!
The gymnastic sexpot was born in 1992… But other than that, Sayaka is one of those Gravure idols who has released many DVDs and appeared in countless photo shoots, but which almost nothing is known about her.
All over the news right now is the story of a “massage parlor” in Yokohama that not employed high school girls, but employed them to place the clients in wrestling holds for the kinky high it gave the men.
The manager Masayuki Kyoya (36) was arrested for violating the labor laws. The girls would go way beyond the scope of a regular reflexology parlor. Customers could get put in professional wrestling holds in private rooms.
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The Yokohama Reflexology Academy Rainbow Color opened last May and was busted due to the testimony of a high school girl aged 16 who worked there in September and October. There were up to 20 masseurs, aged between 16 and 20.
Apparently the four-leg hold was the most popular, which cost 2,000 yen for 5 seconds.
Quite a charge for quite a service. Not surprisingly, some girls were earning up to 300,000 yen a month, which is better than young company employees in their twenties earn. The parlor had apparently made around 15 million yen in sales since it opened.
If you are a masochist AND have a liking for young female Japanese students, what a place this would have been!
We love it when an interesting fetish gets some mainstream attention. Sure, sometimes this can be sensationalist and tread a fine line between mockery and awe, but anything that opens up the conversation about alternative sexuality is got to be a good thing in our book. Especially if it involves Japan.
Zentai (literally “complete body”) is the name of a fetish where people wear skintight all-in-one Spandex body suits. Everything is covered, including the eyes.
It focuses on one “mild-mannered” office lady who leads a double life as a zentai fetishist.
“With my face covered, I cannot eat or drink like other customers,” said the woman, who is in her 20s and says her name is Hokkyoku Nigo (North Pole No. 2).
“I have led my life always worrying about what other people think of me. They say I look cute, gentle, childish or naive,” she said, her lips ruffling the tight, red shiny material. “I always felt suffocated by that. But wearing this, I am just a person in a full body suit.”
Hokkyoku Nigo is part of a small subset in Japan with a fetish for wearing outfits called “zentai” — an abbreviation of “zenshintaitsu”, which means “full body suit” — who say they are seeking liberation by effacing the physical self.
Some meet through Internet forums and through gatherings like the Tokyo Zentai Club, whose 10 members get together every other month, just like any other group, to hold barbecues or parties. Unlike any other group, they are covered head-to-toe in skintight Lycra.
Zentai has its roots more in superhero pop culture than bondage, it seems. The fans grew up watching Power Rangers et al and it gave them a fondness for such costumers.
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It is, of course, sexual, though.
“I like to touch and stroke others and to be touched and stroked like this,” said a 36-year-old teacher, Nezumiko.
“Once you are in one of these suits, you can feel the person, instead of looking at them. I am not a lesbian, but I wouldn’t mind being with a woman like this … In zentai, it is a completely different kind of sensation from straight sex.”
Dressing up is a huge part of Japanese subcultures and sexuality, especially for the role-playing and anonymity it provides. There is also a healthy subculture of kigurumi full-body costumes that transform you into an anime character or animal.
Zentai is also different because it involves specific materials, though there are also balloon fetishists in Japan and Spandex fetishism is common outside the country as well.
Well, they can’t sing — not even lip-synch — but that per se doesn’t stop many other idols. But an important part of idol subculture is that the idol has a personality that can connect with fans. At a stretch, we can see this. But then how about the “handshaking” meet-and-greet events that have become such a large money-spinner for AKB48 and the like?
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Silicone Maru is a “sex doll idol” who has starred in a drama series Love Topia and that was released on DVD recently.
This is a trailer for the TV series. Needless to say there is a lot of voice-over to keep the plot going!
Seeing a potential demand for fans of the cult show and its star, Silicone Maru has next launched a music career.
And here is Maru’s debut single.
But then her producers wanted to take it further. They attempted to hold a meet-and-greet session between Silicone Maru and her “legions of fans”.
If you purchased a DVD of Love Topia you could get 60 seconds in a booth with Silicone Maru.
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Unfortunately literally no one turned up, which was even lower than the modest numbers the organizers were expecting.
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Still, they are not disheartened. Silicone Maru’s rise has surely only just begun!
We spend a lot of time indulging in images of hot girls and the like here on Tokyo Kinky.
What about the guys?
Well, if you’ve ever wondered about the life of the male host and his world of wining and dining female clients, now is your chance to find out more.
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Vice Japan have produced another short documentary looking at Naoki, a top Japanese host at Club Fantasy in Kabukicho. Naoki is so good at entertaining and getting his guests to drink (more overpriced beverages) that he has been awarded the top prize among hosts for his sales. He is now a manager as well, despite being in his early thirties.
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“Hosts are their own product or brand,” Naoki opines, saying he has everything — money, women… (In terms of the former, Naoki was at one point earning between 4 million and 10 million yen PER MONTH.)
On a basic level, the host must flirt and get the woman to drink and to buy him drinks, which hardly makes this the healthiest of jobs. However, it takes an incredible amount of skill and social charm to win in the long run by building your own fan base and valued regulars.
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Times are changing for the hosts, though. As part of the Olympic “clean-up”, Shinjuku no longer allows hosts to pick up clients off the street. Could the days of this very pure form of “omotenashim” be numbered?
Designer Jo Nagasaka (Schemata Architects) has made the kind of seats that we definitely want to have in the Tokyo Kinky office.
“Shibari” is a series of black and white foam seats inspired by the classic art of Japanese rope bondage.
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Nagasaka is showing his creations at this year’s Milano Salone. Note the rope keeping the bulging seat in shape. Design-wise, it’s a nice contrast of smooth curving rubber and sharp jagged lines.
There seem to be four seats, each slightly different and in two colors.
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The foam seats are covered in rubber coating, which is of course not far removed from full-body zentai body suits that we all know and love!
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Too risqué for your office? We wonder if you would actually get the shibari reference if you didn’t know, though. It’s subtle enough to pass under the radar of unsuspecting colleagues and visitors…
We all dream of sleeping with or dating a porn star. Some people get to do it for real.
V6 is a Japanese male idol group whose primary job these days is to have sex with Japan’s top female celebrities. Hard work if you can get it.
Go Morita (35) has been snapped with his latest conquest and one that is said to be more serious than usual. In fact, Morita is said to almost be living with porn star Alice Miyuki (26) after a year-long romance.
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However, given Morita’s status as a male idol, what will his young female fans think of a relationship of a woman who is so free with her body? After the couple were snapped by tabloid reporters Morita was angry and Miyuki even issued a public apology on Twitter for offending his fans due to her occupation.
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Is this true love and will it ride over these troubles? Or will it just peter out in the name of saving Morita’s career?
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We’ve included some lovely pictures of Alice to show what you are missing and what Go Morita is feasting on every night!
Another Vice Japan short film here, this time following Kanae Murakami, a 20-year-old hostess plying her trade in Ginza’s district of high-class clubs.
For all those who have sympathetic views of hostesses as girls who have to put up with drinking a lot with ugly men in smoky bars and who are only a fine line away from being a prostitute… well, first of all, keep in mind that Kanae earns around 40,000 yen a day — something like four or five times what someone her age would be making in a job.
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She works five days a week, from around 8pm to 5am or later — and must also set aside an hour a day just to get her hair done.
Kanae is also pretty frank about other hostesses, stating that they usually initiate relationships with clients purely for the money that they have. She also says that it is very difficult to pursue an ordinary relationship with someone else because her schedule is unpredictable and inevitably boyfriends will be jealous of the time she must spend with clients.
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Going out properly with clients is mostly just an affair as far as the men are concerned and tends to end quickly, which also means the loss of a paying customer for the hostess who must meet her targets at the club or see her wages slip. “From a business perspective, it’s not a smart move,” warns Kanae.
These kinds of special fragrance products are used by people on masturbators and sex toys, or added to sex dolls, clothes or just onto hands or a body. Basically when the fetish is this strong, the ball is wide open for what you can do.
One crucial specification here, though, is that this is a Japanese schoolgirl’s butt crack aroma.
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Slip off her uniform and under the skirt and panties there wafts this pungent pussy and ass smell, partly sweet with the tingle of urine, perhaps sprayed with a perfume or two…