Like to use lube? Then you need to try lube sports!
The annual Lotion Athletic Competition was held in Tokyo on July 18th and July 19th.
Forget 2020. We already have the Lubricant Olympics in Tokyo (ironically, held in Shin-Kiba, the same port area where the actual Olympics will be held). This is an adult version of the undokai sports day events happening at the same time of year at schools.
Using two tons of lube and a very, very wet floor, the “sports” are simple and people remain clothes throughout (don’t get TOO carried away)
Created by leading Japanese lube maker Pepee (“lotion” in Japanese means “lubricant”), the incredible event seems teams of men wearing helmets do “sports” on large lubed-up mats.
“Who is the best lotion athlete?” This is the question they try to solve, with plenty of lube.
Witness “lotion curling”, “lotion beach flag”, “lotion sumo wrestling”, “lotion tug-of-war”, and more!
If you have fantasies about seeing lots of young bodies, male and female, dripping with lube, then
It’s been going for a few years. Now there’s even an official song.
If you fancy the lube but not the sports, there’s also a “Lotion Fes” (Lubricant Festival) happening at Shin-Kiba on August 15th, a sort of club event plus lube.
The next Lotion Athletic Competition happens in Osaka on July 25th-26th.
Photos via KAI-YOU