Channel: Tokyo Kinky Sex, Erotic and Adult Japan
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Durex launches new Real Love condom in Japan with horror movie about multiplying condoms


Since few in Japan bother to use condoms (preferring to risk nakadashi or just pulling out to finish with a bang on their partner’s face), the condom-makers resort to some pretty good marketing stunts to promote their products.

For example, creating the “world’s thinnest condoms” or a “Condom Cookbook”, or conducting sex surveys to alarm the country about their lack of sex.

There’s even a Condom Day dedicated to the male contraceptive.

It’s tougher for Durex, which is a foreign condom brand. The local market is dominated by Okamoto and Sagami, who specialize in condoms for the more modestly sized Japanese male.

To compete, Durex has launched its new Durex Real Love condom with a fun series of videos.

durex real love condom horror movie pastiche parody japan marketing commercial

The best one is a horror pastiche about a couple who head into the woods for some hanky-panky.

But the man drops his wallet and the couple have to search for it. He’s not only concerned about his money but the Durex condom he had inside. Luckily he finds it so can still continue with his plans to bed his lady.

But then the condoms start proliferating…

It starts off sinister but actually the condoms team up to create a romantic scene ideal for the couple to enjoy themselves.

durex real love condom horror movie pastiche parody japan marketing commercial

And the final joking showing the “use” of the condom like an engagement ring is nice — a reference to a finger condom, perhaps?! Condoms are apparently as precious as a ring!

durex real love condom horror movie pastiche parody japan marketing commercial

Durex also made this other video about sexual positions, comparing them to wrestling.

Or this rather sweet one where couples reenact how various animals have sex. Which animal are you?!

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