You may well be familiar with Sailor Fuku Ojisan, the older gent with a penchant for wearing schoolgirl uniforms in Tokyo, and who has recently been seen together with the almost equally eccentric foreigner who goes by the moniker Ladybeard.
But this may be the start of an even more impressive and bizarre cosplay meme.
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In a shopping mall in Osaka City on Sunday, a man made a peculiar appearance and posed for pictures wearing a quasi-adult baby cosplay costume. He had on “bloomer” sports bottoms, an elementary schooler’s yellow hat, and various other school student gear that he should have grown out of by at least 20 years.
He has all the right stuff, including the socks, the iconic randsel satchel — and even the pose.
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Perhaps we can look forward to more appearances by the cosplayer in the future (hopefully in Tokyo!), since Twitter users seemed to love him. A tweet with pictures of his debut has been retweeted over 6,000 times at time of writing.