Channel: Tokyo Kinky Sex, Erotic and Adult Japan
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Bikyaku Bijiri Body Beauty Legs and Butt — a doll with just ass and legs? All you need!


It’s no secret that the Tokyo Kinky team love a good butt. Give us an ass over tits any day.

Well, perhaps we’re a little unusual in these tastes but we also feel that the Japanese rear is underrated, as we have blogged about before.

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We also know that we are not alone in admiring a nice pair of legs and Japanese girls lead the world in this. Random example #104 — gorgeous model and actress Nanao. Now those are some pins!

Okay, this picture is not Nanao but we still thought it was super hot.

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Another well-known example from the celebrity world is actress Masami Nagasawa, celebrated for her fine legs.

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We might bang on a bit too much about this for some of our readers but we really feel this is an under-valued element about the Japanese female figure. Sure, there are plenty of girls with flat chests and flat asses. But you don’t have to search too hard to find more shapely examples out there.

And so when our friends at KanojoToys sent us word about this Bikyaku Bijiri Body Beauty Legs and Butt, we immediately thought — that’s a sex doll with everything you could possibly need!

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It’s a flat-bed type of doll so lay it down. The legs and butt are almost life-size and the buttocks themselves are a decadent combination of pert but still supple to the touch.

The best thing to do is lube up and then lay yourself right on top of the legs, sliding yourself into the hole from behind.

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A “masterpiece of the derrière” as KanojoToys puts it.

It’s not quite the real thing but man, it’s still the best and most reductionist sex doll for our tastes that we’ve found yet. Sometimes all you really want is right here — a pair of beautiful legs (bikyaku in Japanese) and a hot ass (bijiri).

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In the meantime, there’s always pictures like this…

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You can get the Bikyaku Bijiri Body Beauty Legs and Butt on KanojoToys.

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