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Surechigai Bijo videos creepily recreate moment cute girl walks past you in public in Tokyo


Every day in Tokyo we walk past girls who cover the whole spectrum of cute, pretty, beautiful and down-right hot. Occasionally we make eye contact with them as we pass and there is a brief moment of Will-They-Speak-to-Me-Will-They-Not-itis.

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Well, sadly, they never do. The look is probably just one of brief curiosity or even fear — they can sense perving eyes on them.

Surechigai Bijo (Beautiful Girl Who Passes By) indulges in this fantasy of the urban cuties passing by you and glancing into your eyes.

The website promises to be updated every weekday with a new shrot video of a sweet girl walking past the camera showing a guy’s POV in Tokyo. For just a second she looks at “you” and your heart melts.

surechigai bijo pass by hot beautiful girl japan street tokyo station

The result is endearing, all too familiar — but also slightly creepy.

The videos are all only around 20 seconds long and, though they look realistic, are obviously set up — the image and filming quality is too good, for a start, the camera coming into focus just at the moment the hottie looks at the lens.

The makers, a web and ad agency called Hi Inc., is recruiting girls to take part. They presumably do it if they are wannabe models. So far they have only made a handful as a showcase in order to get press attention. If they can get enough girls to sign up, we can look forward to a lot more videos.

The scenarios featured are pretty varied but each one is close to home. We’ve all been there, experienced the same feeling. A girl descending on the opposite escalator. A cutie walking across a pedestrian bridge from the other side. A passer-by on the street. Someone coming out of the train station gates just as you go in..

Let’s hope they make some more soon!

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