In the past we’ve encountered a thief who targeted hostesses and their shoes, a violent lingerie bandit who literally tears his swag off the bodies of his victims, a bra theft addict, and even a 82-year-old panties thief.
Now comes another shocking tale of lingerie larceny…
The media has reported the indictment of a man in Sano, Tochigi Prefecture, for stealing more than 200 items of woman’s underwear.
Tsutomu Kashiwase (44) apparently stole 217 items across the three prefectures of Tochigi, Gunma and Saitama. The Japanese countryside would seem to be populated by roaming samurai intent on nabbing girls’ panties.
The unemployed Kashiwase is accused of having stolen underwear on 27 occasions between March 2011 and November 2013. He was finally caught in November when he got
“I wanted to collect them,” he has admitted. We wonder if in prison he will be assigned laundry duties?